Hello everyone! I am Barbara L SESE, your instructor for this course.
As a way to get to know each other (instructor and students of this course) please take some time to introduce yourself and post in to the forum below "Introducing Myself".
For questions or queries in regards to this course, I can be contacted through email: lei.bees@gmail.com or via phone:
+678 33520 (work) or a text message to my mobile: +678 7346554 (mobile).
- Teacher: Kathleen Arthur
- Teacher: Bruno.Boulesakavi@vite.edu.vu boulesakavi
- Teacher: Lawi Kalsin
- Teacher: Angela.Samuel@vite.edu.vu Samuel
- Teacher: Barbara Leimanuara SESE
- Teacher: Lynette Tamata
- Teacher: Gayleen.Tarosa@vite.edu.vu Tarosa